Saved Carts user guide

Adding a product to a Saved Cart

Add a product to a Saved Cart using a new “Add to Saved Cart” button located next to “Add to Cart” button.




Creating a Saved Cart

You can create a Saved cart using the Saved Cart menu which opens up when you click at theSaved Cartsbutton in the top.

In the Saved Carts menu insert cart’s name, description and clickSave”.


Selecting an existing cart  

If you already have Saved Carts in your account you may select one to start adding products to it.

To open this menu clickSaved carts” at the top orAdd to saved cartnext to an item.


Viewing a Saved Cart

You can open your Saved Cart detail page by:

clickingView cart” in the Saved Cart menu which you open by clicking the Saved Cartbutton at the top

or clicking the cart name at the Saved Carts page.


Viewing a Saved Cart

At your Saved Cart page you can see

■Cart’s name and description
■Items, their amounts, availability and prices;
■Who created and last updated the Cart.
■If an item has been replaced, we will replace it in your Cart.

You can purchase the cart and delete it here.

Purchasing a Saved Cart

You can purchase a Saved Cart by clickingPurchase” at the Saved cart page or in the right-hand side menu.

The items from your Saved Cart will be added to your shopping cart. If you had any other items in your shopping cart, they will remain in there.

Your Saved Cart will not be deleted after you purchase it.